- 父与子全集
- (德)埃·奥·卜劳恩著 班昭编
- 272字
- 2022-10-27 17:53:00
9 图画的局限 The shortcoming of the picture.

①The son swings the bat and gets ready to hit the ball. The son never expects that he would break the mirror behind him.
②The son squats down on the ground and thinks hard, “Oh, my god. My dad will definitely spank me after he comes back. What should I do?”
③“Well, I got an idea!” the son has a good idea.
④The son cleans out all broken pieces in the frame and begins painting a picture inside the frame.
⑤The dad stands in front of the mirror tightening the necktie.
⑥Suddenly, the dad wonders, “Why I am looking differently from my reflection in the mirror?”