1 糟糕的家庭作业 The awful homework
2 让人着迷的书 A fascinating book
3 出故障的车 The broken-down car
4 会走路的箱子 The suitcase could be able to walk!
5 孩子打架,家长争执 The kids are fighting and the parents are quarreling
6 哇!海豹和一个人很像 Wow!The seal looks like someone.
7 神枪手 A sharp shooter
8 巧妙的生发术 A wonderful hair regrowth method
9 图画的局限 The shortcoming of the picture.
10 锻炼成名手 Take exercise to be a famous player
11 家中游艺演出 An amusement show in the home
12 哄儿入睡 The dad lulls the son to sleep
13 好榜样 A good example
14 前长后短的发型 The strange hairstyle
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15 忘加葡萄干的蛋糕 The cake without raisins in it
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16 离家出走的儿子 The son runs away from home
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17 为了安慰儿子,宁愿当马 In order to comfort the son the dad would rather to act like a horse
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18 报复 The son’s revenge
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19 小兔子送来的彩蛋 The Easter eggs are sent by the Easter bunny
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20 挑战失败 The son fails to challenge his dad
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21 四张儿童票 Four children tickets
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22 补看球赛 Repeat the football match
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23 鱼儿来信 A letter from the fish
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24 顺利解决 A good solution
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25 实用的发明 A practical invention
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26 一年之后 A year later
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27 玩耍时不准来打搅 Game in progress and don’ t disturb
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28 本性难移,无药可救 It is hard to change one’s nature
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29 生日的惊喜 A birthday surprise
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30 足够了 The stones are enough
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31 输了的爸爸 The dad losts the chess game
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32 指责也该有限度 There is a limit to the rebuke
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33 瞧这两对父子 look these two pairs of dad and son
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34 夕阳西下图The sunset picture
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35 失败的音乐会 The unsuccessful concert
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36 假梦游病患者 A pretended sleepwalker
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37 吓人的胡子 The frightening mustache
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38 可疑的螺旋状 The questionable spiraled shape
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39 再来一次,这太有意思了 One more time this is so funny
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40 足球 The football
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41 梦与现实 The dream and the reality
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42 帮忙得到的教训 The kind-hearted doesn’t receive good blessings
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43 人靠衣装 Clothes make the man
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44 按照秩序来 Things should be taken up in order of priority
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45 儿子救火 The son is fighting the fire
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46 艺术的魅力 The charm of the art
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47 战争不择手段 All is fair in war
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48 最后一个苹果 The last apple
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49 倔犟的马 The refractory horse
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50 爸爸的签名 The dad’s signature
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51 没骗人,我真的钓了条大鱼 I didn’t lie and I do catch a big fish
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52 制作圣诞礼物的秘密 The secret of making the Christmas gift
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53 圣诞礼物 A Christmas gift
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54 除夕新事 The Eve morning
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55 有个好结局 All is well that ends well
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56 奉献点儿面包 Give some bread to the birds
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57 聪明的马 The clever horse
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58 狗儿也不吃 Even the dog doesn’t want it
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59 击中要害 Hit the right nail on the head
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60 鬼怪 A ghost
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61 爆竹雪茄 A firecracker cigar
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62 假面舞会的化装 A masked ball
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63 喂天鹅 Fed the swan
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64 带锚的帽子 The hat with an anchor
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65 白套近乎 A futile attempt
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66 儿子,你上当了 Son you have fallen into the trap
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67 让复活节兔子吃惊 An astonishment for the Easter bunny
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68 假扮儿童 Pretended to be a child
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69 父爱 The father ’ s love
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70 这下长得不像了 Now they are looking different
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71 看你还怎么偷吃 Now let’s see how you will steal the peas.
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72 叼回铅弹 Picked up the plumb
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73 蘑菇 Mushroom
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74 遇见美人鱼 Meet the mermaid
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75 管教晚矣 It is too late to discipline
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76 有办法驯马 They know how to tame the horse
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77 假期第一天 The first day of the vacation
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78 全部输光 They lost all buttons
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79 放生 Set the fish free
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80 我要歌德的书 I want Goethe ’ s book
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81 听医生的话 Follow the doctor ’ s advice
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82 铅球运动员 The shot putter
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83 意外的冠军 An unexpected champion
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84 有些动物是不能同情的 You shouldn ’ t sympathize all animals
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85 逃学 Play hooky
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86 不可救药 Hopeless
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87 儿子的礼物 The son ’ s gift
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88 新镜子 The new mirror
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89 忍无可忍 Driven beyond endurance
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90 吃力不讨好 A thankless act
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91 图钉妙用 The marvelous function of the nail
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92 想当爸爸并不难 It is not difficult to be a dad
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93 吸引人的书 An attractive book
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94 以智取胜 Cleverness is better than force
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95 木偶戏 The puppet show
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96 拍电影的兔子 The rabbits are shooting a film
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97 家教 Family education
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98 曾祖父、祖父、父亲和儿子 The great grandpa the grandpa the dad and the son
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99 魔术书 The magic book
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100 节前的秘密 The secret before Christmas
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101 圣诞节的客人 Christmas guest
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102 除夕的一场虚惊 A false alarm on New Year ’ s Eve
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103 飞来一只野鸭 A duck
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104 独一无二的晨报 The unique morning paper
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105 航空信带来的惩罚 An airmail letter caused the punishment
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106 雪人的反击 The snowman ’ s counterattack
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107 自制的雪橇 A home-made sleigh
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108 严厉的自责 The severe rebuke
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109 一条滑道的发现 The discovery of a slide rail
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110 狮子来了 The lion is coming
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111 养鱼记 To keep a fish
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112 一大笔遗产 A large inheritance
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113 在宫殿里嬉笑 Enjoy romp in the palace
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114 意外的礼物 The unexpected gift
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115 海虾带来的烦恼 A trouble is caused by a shrimp
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116 习惯 The habit
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117 虚荣心治好了 The vanity is cured
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118 见怪不怪,其怪自败 Face the fearful with no fears and its fearfulness disappears
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119 救命 Help
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120 难忘旧友 It is not easy to forget the old friends
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121 行善的结果 The result of doing good deeds
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122 现实的教育 The practical education
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123 话筒 The microphone
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124 悲伤的乐曲 The sorrowful musical composition
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125 敲钉试验 Wow the nail is driven in
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126 仆人的任务 The servant ’ s task
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127 忠实的仆人 The loyal servant
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128 旅行中的意外 The accident on a journey
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129 音乐充饥 The music could keep off hunger
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130 原来要火 They need the fire
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131 浮瓶通信 The drift bottle
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132 恩将仇报 Bite the hand that feeds one
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133 意外的猎物 An unexpected prey
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134 野马 A wild horse
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135 妙极了,爸爸还有这一手 Cool My dad even could do this
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136 音乐的作用 The influence of the music
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137 不是救星 They are not our helper
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138 独创的渔网 An inventive fishing net
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139 船未造成,脸却刮干净了 The axe could be used to shave off the mustache
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140 学舌者 The parrot
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141 海狸的报复 The revenge of the beaver
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142 袋鼠的友谊 The friendship between the son and the kangaroo
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143 新船下水 To launch the new boat
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144 挖陷阱抓山羊 Dig a pit to catch the goats
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145 信鸽 A carrier pigeon
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146 做了好事,竟然得了恶报 The kind-hearted son doesn’t receive good blessings.
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147 一股强烈的龙卷风 A gust of tornado
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148 准备就绪 Everything is read in time
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149 幻想破灭 Their dream has been shattered
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150 鲁滨孙的追随者 Robinson’s follower
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151 这才是金子 These are the gold
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152 意外的勋章 The unexpected medals
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153 “快看,我给你带回了什么!”“Look what did I bring back for you?”
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154 期待已久的精神食粮 Long-awaited food for thought
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155 意外收获 The windfall
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156 开上了岸 The submarine is driven ashore
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157 又回到了家 They are home again
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158 庆祝生日 Birthday celebration
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159 呸!我是这个长相吗?Fie!Is that what I look like?
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160 抢先一步 The son steals a march on the dad
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161 骗人的把戏 A trick
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162 这样戴眼镜 To wear the glasses like this
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163 爸爸见不得血 The dad is fear of blood
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164 后悔打猎 The remorse
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165 幻灭 The toad is eaten by the crane
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166 画的照片 The photo
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167 给雕塑遮羞 Dress up the statue
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168 帮错了忙 The dad’s help
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169 鸟儿的报复 The birds’revenge
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170 实例警告 The actual warning
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171 祖先画廊 The family gallery
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172 爱犬难舍 Hard to leave the dog
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173 大好时机 It is a good chance
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174 醉后剃须 The drunken shaving
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175 快乐的代价 The cost of the happiness
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176 训狗 To train a dog
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177 迅速满足愿望 To fulfill a wish
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178 可笑的胡子 The funny mustache
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179 没必要悲哀 There is no need to be sorrowful
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180 西洋镜中的小欺骗 The son’s trick
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181 示众 The public viewing
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182 蜡像馆中真假难辨 Hard to tell whether it is true or false
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183 捉弄有钱人 Play a trick on the rich
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184 有心与无意 The unexpected success
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185 在芬兰蒸汽浴室中 In the Finnish sauna
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186 糟糕的上钩拳 The awful swinging blow
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187 发明家 Inventors
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188 骗人的把戏 A trick
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189 幸灾乐祸的代价 The cost for taking pleasure in other’s suffering
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190 自负的鬼怪 A pretentious ghost
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191 再次练功 Begin to do exercises again
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192 打错了人 Hit the wrong man
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193 原来是他们俩 So that’s the dad and the son
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194 成名之后 After the dad and the son get famous
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195 告别 Good-bye
更新时间:2022-10-27 17:54:34