- 世纪丰碑:黄土高原水土保持世界银行贷款项目纪实
- 黄土高原水土保持世界银行贷款项目办公室
- 915字
- 2025-02-17 05:55:17
领导重视 社会关注 Being Paid More Attention by Leaders and the Society

水利部部长汪恕诚考察河保偏项目区(右三汪恕诚,右一 山西省副省长范推相,右二 陈雷,右五 李英明)
Wang Shucheng,minister of MWR inspected the Hebaopian project area(Wang Shucheng in the third from right;Fan Duixing,vice governor of Shanxi province in the first from right;Chen Lei in the second from right;Li Yingming in the fifth from right)

Jing Zhengshu(in the first from right),vice minister of MWR,inspected the project area

Zhai Haohui(in the second from left in the front row),vice minister of MWR inspected Xinshui river project area of Shanxi province

Chen Lei,vice minister of MWR,inspected the project area(Chen Lei in the third from left,Liu Zhen in the first from left)

Suo Lisheng(in the third from right),vice minister of MWR,inspected the project area

E Jingoing(in the first from left),vice minister of MWR,inspected the project area

Liu Guanghe(in the forth right),vice minister of MWR,inspected the project area

黄河水利委员会主任李国英考察项目区(前排左二 李国英,前排左一 黄河上中游管理局局长周月鲁)
Li Guoying,the director of YRCC,inspected the project area(Li Guoying in the second from lift in the front row;Zhou Yuelu,the director of the Upper and Middle Yellow River Bureau,in the first from left in the front row)

水利部原副部长周文智考察中央项目办(中 周文智,左 鄂竟平,右 周月鲁)
Zhou Wenzhi,the former vice minister of MWR,inspected CPMO(Zhou Wenzhi in the middle,E Jingping in the left,Zhou Yuelu in the right)

水利部原副部长朱登铨考察山西项目区(右三 朱登铨,右二 王文珂)
Zhu Dengquan,the former vice minister of MWR,inspected Shanxi project area(Zhu Dengquan in the third from right,Wang Wenke in the second from right)

Liu Zhen(in the right),the director of soil and water conservation department of MWR,inspected project area

水利部水土保持司原司长焦居仁考察山西项目区(左二 焦居仁,左一 范推相)
Jiao Juren,the former director of soil and water conservation department of MWR,inspected Shanxi project area(Jiao Juren in the second from left,Fan Duixiang in the first from left)

黄河水利委员会副主任、中央项目办主任黄自强陪同世行官员考察项目区(右一 黄自强,右二 马克D·威尔逊,右三 朱尔庚·伏格乐)
T he officers of WB inspected the project area,accompanied by Huang Ziqiang,the vice director of YRCC and director of CPMO(Huang Ziqiang in the first from right,Mark D.Wilson in the second from right,Juergen Voegele in the third from right)

The president of the World Bank inspected the Yanhe project area in 1996(James D.Wolfensohn in the second from right in the front row,Juergen Voegele in the third from right in the front row)

The world famous news media went to the project area for interview.