Short Answer 解析6


The skin is a person's first line of defense against all external elements. It is the largest organ of the human body, which is usually sixteen percent of the total body weight.The skin protects muscles, bones and other internal organs.It is made up of three layers, namely, the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous layer.New skin cells are formed underneath the epidermis, and as these form, older cells are pushed upward.As a person's skin cells get older and tougher, about 30,000 of these dead cells are sloughed off every minute.The skin continuously makes new cells and gets rid of old ones.Hence, a normal person can shed up to four kilograms of dead skin cells per year.


●Question 分析与答案

How many kiIograms of dead skin ceIIs can a reguIar individuaI maximaIIy sIough off in a 3-year period?

Question由How many开头,意味着题干提问的是文章中的具体的数据。题干提问“死细胞的总重量”,而符合内容出现在文章的最后一句。但是需要注意的是,文章中的重量以“年(per year)”为基准;题干要求的是“三年期间(in a 3-year period)”的重量。因此年重量乘以3倍(4×3=12)的数量才是正确答案。

词汇巩固externaI外部的,外面的 organ(人体内的)脏器,器官 protect保护 epidermis(皮肤的)表皮,皮层 dermis真皮 subcutaneous 皮下 sIough off(死皮等)去掉 shed脱落,蜕皮