Short Answer 解析1


Lizards are some of the most adaptable creatures in the world. Yet, although these creatures are known to be highly versatile, they are greatly affected by the ongoing temperature changes in the environment.Lizards are cold-blooded animals.This means that they control their body temperatures by exchanging heat with their surroundings.In many tropical regions today, temperatures have risen 3 to 4 degrees due to global warming.This condition causes heat stress, which makes it very difficult for lizards to function at an optimum level.With a decreased level of functioning, lizards become easier targets for other animals.Heat stress also affects the lizards'abilities to hunt or look for food.


●Question 分析与答案

What probIem brought about by cIimate change disabIes Iizards'abiIities to function weII?

Question point是由气候变化引起的怎样的问题(what problem)导致了蜥蜴的身体功能的下降。符合题干内容的是第六句,也就是说,热压力(heat stress)使蜥蜴面临困难。考生很容易认为答案是temperature change,但是题干的要点是由气候变化引起的某种问题,因此要仔细阅读题干,才可以避开试题中的陷阱。

词汇巩固Iizard蜥蜴 adaptabIe适应的 creature创造物,生物 versatiIe多才多艺的,多功能的 tropicaI热带(地方)的optimum最适宜的,适当的 decrease缩,减小 disabIe使无能力