“Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! ”said Yellow Bird.

“I made a pretty little nest.

I made it in the little tree.

I put four eggs in it.

Then I flew to the brook.

How happy I was!

But now I can not find my nest.

What shall I do? What shall I do?

I will see if White Cow took it.”

“Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! ”said Yellow Bird.

“White Cow, did you take away my nest? ”

“Oh, no! ”said White Cow. “Not I!

I did not take away your nest.

I would not do such a thing.

I gave you some hay for your nest.

I saw you put your nest in the little tree.

You sang and sang and sang.

It was a beautiful little nest.

I am sorry you can not find it.

But I did not take it, ”said White Cow.

“Oh, no! I would not do such a thing.”

“Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! ”said Yellow Bird.

“Who took my little nest?

Oh! Here comes Brown Dog.

Brown Dog, did you take away my nest?

I put it in the little tree.

There were four eggs in it.”

“Oh, no! ”said Brown Dog. “Not I!

I would not do such a thing.

I gave you some hairs for your nest.

I am sorry you can not find it.

But I did not take it. Oh, no!

I would never do such a thing! ”

“Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! ”said Yellow Bird.

“Who took my little nest?

Oh! Here comes Black Sheep.

Black Sheep, did you take away my nest?

I put it in the little tree.

Then I flew to the brook.”

“Oh, no! ”said Black Sheep. “Not I.

I would never do such a thing.

I gave you wool to make your nest soft.

It was the prettiest nest I ever saw.

Oh, no! I did not take it away.

I would never do such a thing.”

“Moo, moo! ”said White Cow.

“Bow-wow! ”said Brown Dog.

“Baa, baa, ”said Black Sheep.

“Who took Yellow Bird's nest?

We think a little boy took it.

We wish we could find him.”

A little boy heard them.

He hung his head.

Then he ran into the house and hid behind the bed.

He would not eat his dinner.

Can you guess why?

The little boy felt very sorry.

Soon he came out of the house again.

He took the nest back to the little tree.

“Dear Yellow Bird, ”he said, “I am sorry.

I took your nest from the little tree.

But I will never do such a thing again.”

“Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! ”sang Yellow Bird.

“I am as happy as can be.”

(Adapted from a Poem by Lydia Maria Child)

Word list

nest: a home for birds

wool: the soft outer coat of a sheep

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) What is Yellow Bird's problem?

2) What did Yellow Bird use to build her nest?

3) Who did Yellow bird ask if they took her nest?

4) Who took Yellow bird's nest?

5) Why did the little boy hang his head, hide behind the bed, and not eat his dinner?

6) What are three things you might find in a brook?

7) What do you think the little boy did after he gave the nest back?

B) Colour words—Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing colour words.

1) The y _ _ _ _ _ bird built a nest.

2) She asked the w _ _ _ _ cow if she took the nest.

3) Br _ _ _ Dog did not take it either.

4) Bl _ _ _ Sheep gave wool to make the nest soft.

5) The little boy felt bl _ _ because he took the nest.

C) True or False? Read the following sentences carefully, write true or false for each one.

1) _____ White Cow took Yellow Bird's nest.

2) _____ Brown Dog ate Yellow Bird's nest.

3) _____ Black Sheep did not take Yellow Bird's nest.

4) _____ A little boy took Yellow Bird's nest.

5) _____ The little boy ate his dinner.