I know a boy whose eyes are bright,

And sharper than a cat's at night;

He never even has to squint

When looking at the finest print.

A thousand things he's sure to spy,

Things that escape his mother's eye;

But though his bright eyes fairly snap,

He never, somehow, sees his cap.

I've seen him hunt it everywhere,

On every table, every chair,

And when his strength was wasted, quite,

His mother saw it, plain in sight.

I wonder if some fellow here

Can make this funny thing quite clear—

Can tell me why a bright-eyed chap,

Can never, never find his cap.

(Rebecca B. Foresmar)

Word list

squint: to look with eyes partly closed

chap: a boy

You Practice

Opposites—What are the opposites of these words?

1) _________ bright

2) _________ night

3) _________ escape

4) _________ clear

5) _________ black

6) _________ find

7) _________ boy

8) _________ sharp

9) _________ lost

10) _________ never