四 关于契约工遭受剥削之管见

契约工之所以被视为奴隶,原因之一是他们在市场上可以 “像马匹一样被出售”。[88]在表面上,这种缺乏人性的交易似乎剥夺了契约工作为签订契约一方应有的“法人资格”及其平等权利,使其成为“奴隶和个人财产中的一部分”,[89]因而任何与契约工交易的行为,很容易让人贴上奴隶交易的标签。













(2)从民族背景看,爱尔兰移民居多,不少人逃跑时顺手牵羊,或将雇主家产抢劫一空。一位名叫爱德华·霍顿(Edward Hauton)的契约工来到殖民地的最初7年间,因难以管教,曾被转卖五次,累计逃跑五次。最后一次逃跑时将雇主家产洗劫一空。







[1] 英文indenture是指一种有骑缝线的“双联契约”,缝线两侧的合同一式两份,签约双方各持一份。合同期满后,雇主在自己持有的合同上签字,证明另一方已如约尽职并成为自由人。而“servant”除作为公函和信件中的套语外,涵盖了13~17世纪英国社会上的许多职业:(1)泛指王室的宫廷内侍、贵族和地主的管家等高级职业。他们有丰富的专门知识和较高的社会地位。(2)泛指一般意义上的商品服务职业,其中既有“服务于单一雇主”的劳工,也有计件收费且同时服务两位或更多买主的工匠,他们都是如约服务的人。(3)在狭义上指与雇主居住在一起的工资工人,其服务期限有几个星期、半年或一年,多数未成家立业。参见梁茂信《近代早期英国契约工制度的形成及其性质》,《求是学刊》2010年第4期,第128~129页。本文中使用的概念是指狭义上的契约工。

[2] 黄绍湘:《美国通史简编》,人民出版社,1979,第12页;李世雅:《北美殖民地的契约奴移民》,《美国史论文集(1981~1983)》,三联书店,1983,第400页;陆镜生:《美国人权政治——理论和实践的历史考察》,当代世界出版社,第82页;李庆余、周桂银等:《美国现代化道路》,人民出版社,1994,第2页;刘绪贻、李世洞:《美国研究词典》,中国社会科学出版社,2002,第733页;杨生茂、张友伦等:《美国历史百科辞典》,上海辞书出版社,2004,第232页。张红菊:《试探美国南部奴隶种植园的形成》,《世界历史》2005年第6期,第90~95页。

[3] 杨生茂、陆镜生:《美国史新编》,中国人民大学出版社,1990,第47页;邓红风:《英属北美殖民地的契约奴役制度》,《世界历史》1990年第1期,第21~28页;何顺果:《美国史通论》,学林出版社,2001,第20~21、24~25、30~31页;齐文颖主编《美国史纲探研》,中国社会科学出版社,2001,第2~3、18、26~27、49~51、166~167和197页;张聚国:《美国史学界关于奴隶制度起源的争论》,《世界历史》2006年第2期,第125~133页。

[4] 国内成果中,李剑鸣的观点及其“契约劳工”概念与笔者接近,但笔者认为制度中的“雇佣性质”论述还应加强。见李剑鸣:《美国的奠基时代:1585~1775》,人民出版社,2001,第107~108、191~202页。近似的观点见黄安年:《美国的崛起》,中国社会科学出版社,1992,第61~64页;高春常:《英国历史传统与北美奴隶制度的起源》,《历史研究》2001年第1期,第98、103页。

[5] Don Jordan and Michael Walsh,White Cargo:The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America,New York:New York University Press,2007;John Wareing,Emigrants to America:Indentured Servants Recruited in London,1718-1733,Baltimore:Genealogical Publishing Co.,Inc.,1985,pp.7-9;Klaus J. Bade,Migration in European History,Oxford,UK:Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2003,pp.82-83;Daniel Meaders,Eighteenth-Century White Slaves Fugitive Notices,Vol.1,Pennsylvinia,1729-1760,Westport,Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1993,pp.ix-xi.

[6] Reginald A. Bray,Boy Labour and Apprenticeship,New York:Garland Publishing Inc.,1980,pp.1-2.

[7] 1600~1800年英国人口增长了一倍以上,是欧洲各国最高的。见Roderick Floud and Paul Johnson,The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain,Volume I:Industrialisation,1700-1860,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2004,p.64。

[8] Leslie Page Moch,Moving Europeans:Migrations in Western Europe Since 1650,Bloomington:Indiana University Press,2003,p.55.

[9] P.J.Corfield,The Impact of English Towns:1700-1800,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1982,p.102.

[10] Robert J Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor:The Employment Relation in English and American Law and Culture,1350-1870,Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,1991,p.31.

[11] John Pound,Poverty and Vagrancy in Tudor England,London:Longman Group,Ltd.,1971,pp.3,6.

[12] Reginald A. Bray,Boy Labour and Apprenticeship,pp.14-15.

[13] 1562年法实施后,契约工成为近代英国转型期重要的劳动力来源。17世纪30年代,契约工占英国15~24岁劳工中的60%,其中近50%属年度性农业工。到18世纪,契约工占英国农业劳动力1/3到1/2,有些地区高达1/2以上。有意思的是,到19世纪末,与主人居住在一起的契约工占伦敦劳动力的16.6%、爱丁堡的19%,阿伯丁的23%、珀斯的18%。其中,女性家政劳工数量极多,占1871年就业劳工的15%,绝对人数到1931年仍超过130万。参见Alison Games,Migration and the Origins of the English Atlantic World,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1999,p.74.;David W. Galenson,White Servitude in Colonial America:An Economic Analysis,New York:Cambridge University Press,1981,p.7;R.W. Breach and R.M. Hartwell,eds.,British Economy and Society:1870-1970,Documents,Descriptions Statistics,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1972,pp.75,322-323。

[14] James Curtis Ballagh,White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia:A Study of the System of Indentured Labor in the American Colonies,New York:Burt Franklin,1969,pp.14-15.

[15] James Curtis Ballagh,White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia,pp.22,44-45;Jeremy Black,ed.,The Atlantic Slave Trade,Volume II,Seventeenth Century,Burlington,VT.:Ashgate Publishing Company,2006,pp.311-312.

[16] John Gorham Palfery,Compendious History of New England from the Discovery by Europeans to the First General Congress of the Anglo-American Colonies,Vol.1,Boston:Houghton,Mifflin and Company,1873,pp.105-106.

[17] David W. Galenson,White Servitude in Colonial America,p.118.

[18] Warren B. Smith,White Servitude in Colonial South Carolina,Columbia:University of South Carolina Press,1961,pp.28,30-32,52-53.

[19] Benjamin Martyn,“An Account of Shewing the Progress of the Colony of Georgia in America from its First Establishment,1741,” in Mark M. Smith,ed. Slavery in North America:From the Colonial Period to Emancipation,Volume 1,The Colonial Period,London:Pickering and Chatto(Publishers)Limited,2009,pp.269,275,280;拙作《美国移民政策研究》,东北师范大学出版社,1996,第17~19页。

[20] David W. Galenson,White Servitude in Colonial America,pp.97,17.

[21] Aaron S. Fogleman,“From Slaves,Convicts,and Servants to Free Passengers:The Transformation of Immigrants in the Era of the American Revolution,” The Journal of American History,Vol.85,No.1(Jun.,1998),p.44;但作者在另一篇文章中认为,在1607~1776年来到北美大陆的欧洲移民逾80万。参见Aaron Fogleman,“Migrations to the Thirteen British North American Colonies,1700-1775:New Estimates,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History,Vol.22,No.4.(Spring,1992),pp.693,http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici= 0022-1953(2008年12月31日下载)。

[22] 德意志赎身者移民始于1680年以后,1730年后加速,18世纪40年代末进入高潮,一直到北美革命爆发结束。相应的,每年进入宾夕法尼亚的移民商船从18世纪20年代每年三艘增长到40年代末的7艘。1749年入境移民人数达到9500多人。此后10年间,年均移民约5600人。Marianne S. Wokeck,“German and Irish Immigration to Colonial Philadelphia,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society,Vol.133,No.2,(Jun.,1989),p.132. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-049X(2008年10月25日下载)。

[23] Aaron S. Fogleman,“From Slaves,Convicts and Servants to Free Passengers,” p.46.

[24] Roger Daniels,Coming to America:A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life,New York:Harper Collins Publishers,1990,p.37.

[25] 美国建国后,契约移民日渐减少,仅占1800年入境移民的24.7%,1820年不超过5%。在1820~1830年间,契约工年均入境人数不过20人,1830年则彻底消失。至此,契约工移民时代宣告结束。参见Farley Grubb,“The End of European Immigrants Servitude in the United States:An Economic Analysis of Market Collapse,1772-1835,” The Journal of Economic History,Vol.54,No.4.(Dec.,1994),pp.799,819.

[26] Farley Grubb,“Immigrant Servant Labor:Their Occupational and Geographic Distribution in the late Eighteenth-Century Mid-Atlantic Economy,” Social Science History,Vol.9,No.3(Summer 1985),p.249,http://links jstor.orgsici?sici=0145-5532(2008年3月27日下载)。

[27] John Wareing,Emigrants to America,pp.9,11.

[28] Peter Wilson Coldham,Bonded Passengers to America,Vol.8,Northern Circuit:1665-1775,Baltimore:Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc.,1983,pp.19,11-45.

[29] Eric Williams,Capitalism and Slavery,Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,1994,p.10.

[30] Klaus J. Bade,Migration in European History,p.6;Jordan Goodman and Katrina Honeyman,Gainful Pursuits:The Making of Industrial Europe 1600-1914,London:Edward Arnold,1988,pp.6,76.

[31] John Langton,“Proletarianization in the Industrial Revolution:Regionalism and Kinship in the Labour Markets of the British Coal Industry from the Seventeenth Century to the Nineteenth Centuries,” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,Vol.25,No.1(2000),pp.31-32.

[32] David Nicholas,Urban Europe,1100-1700,Hamshire:Palgrave MacMillan,2003,p.43.

[33] Peter Clark and David Souden,Migration and Society in Early Modern England,London:Hutchinson Education,1987,pp.59,156,269-270.

[34] Robert J Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor,pp.3-4.

[35] Edith Abbott,Historical Aspects of the Immigration Problem:Selected Documents,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1926,p.13.

[36] Eric Williams,Capitalism and Slavery,p.10.

[37] Aaron S. Fogleman,“From Slaves,Convicts and Servants to Free Passengers,” p.47.

[38] Sharon V. Salinger,“To Serve Well and Faithfully,” in Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania,1682-1800,New York:Cambridge University Press,1987,p.3.

[39] David W. Galenson,White Servitude in Colonial America,pp.89-90.

[40] Bernard Bailyn,The Peopling of British North America:An Introduction,New York:Alfred A. Knopf,Inc. 1986,pp.20,27-28.

[41] Don Jordan and Michael Walsh,White Cargo,p.14.

[42] Warren M. Billings,The Old Dominion in the Seventeenth Century:A Documentary History of Viginia,1606-1689,Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,1975,pp.134-135.

[43] 时人对18世纪中期宾夕法尼亚契约工与雇主之间的雇佣关系评论,参见“Comments of a Swedish Traveler,1748,” in Historical Aspects of the Immigration Problem,by Edith Abbott,pp.211-212。

[44] Peter Clark and David Souden,Migration and Society in Early Modern England,p.155.

[45] David W. Galenson,White Servitude in Colonial America,p.62;Sharon V. Salinger,“To Serve Well and Faithfully,” p.185.

[46] Peter Wilson Coldham,The Bristol Registers of Servants Sent to Foreign Plantations,1654-1685,Baltimore:Genealogical Publications Co. Inc.,1988,pp.124-143.

[47] Peter Wilson Coldham,Bonded Passengers to America,Vol.1,History of Transportation,pp.7-8.

[48] David W. Galenson,White Servitude in Colonial America,pp.99-100.

[49] Roger Daniels,Coming to America,p.37.

[50] Alison Games,Migration and the Origins of the English Atlantic World,p.78.

[51] Sharon V. Salinger,“To Serve Well and Faithfully,” p.29.

[52] Susie,M.Ames,County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton,Virginia,1640-1645,Charlottesville:The University Press of Virginia,1973,pp.419-423.

[53] Robert J. Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor,p.87.

[54] 关于船毁人亡的资料,参见Klaus J. Bade,Migration in European History,p.86;Peter Wilson Coldham,Bonded Passengers to America,Vol.1,pp.39-40。

[55] David W. Galenson,White Servitude in Colonial America,p.97.

[56] Robert J Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor,pp.130,131.

[57] 据统计,1654~1660年布里斯托尔的3543契约工分别与1022名雇主签署了契约,其中43.8%的雇主购买了1名契约工,18.3%的雇主购买了2名契约工,11%的雇主雇用的契约工平均为3人。就是说,雇佣契约工不超过3人的雇主占雇主总数的73.1%。David Souden,“‘Rogues,Whores and Vagabonds?’ Indentured Servant Emigrants to North America,and the Case of Mid-Seventeenth-Century Bristol,” Social History,Vol.3,No.1,(Jan.,1978),pp.23-41. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4284770(2008年7月18日)。

[58] Sharon V. Salinger,“To Serve Well and Faithfully,” p.4;Eric Williams,Capitalism and Slavery,p.16.

[59] Robert J Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor,p.7.

[60] Scott Alan Cason,“Indentured Migration in America’s Great Basin:Occupational and Adverse Slection,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History,Vol.32,No.3(Winter,2002),pp.387-389;David S.North,Nonimmigrant Workers in the U.S.:Current Trends and Future Implications,Springfield,Virginia:National Technical Information Service,May 1980(unpublished report),pp.vii-ix.

[61] Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:Act XXVI,” in William Wallwe Hening,ed.,The Statutes at Large:Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia from the First Session of the Legislature,in the Year 1619,Vol.1,Richmond,Virginia:Whittet and Shepperson,1823,p.257.

[62] Willie Lee Rose,A Documentary History of Slavery in North America,New York:Oxford University Press,1976,p.17.

[63] 马里兰规定,契约工入境6个月内,其雇主必须到县法庭登记,违者将被罚以一千磅烟草。若劳工到马里兰时没有文字性契约,年龄在22岁以上者服务5年,18~22岁者服务6年,15~18岁者服务7年,15岁以下者服务到22岁时为止。见“An Act Relating to Servants and Slaves,” in John Cushing,ed.,The Laws of the Province of Maryland,Wilmington,Delaware:Michael Glazier,Inc.,1981,pp.122-123.

[64] George Lee Haskins,Law and Authority in Early Massachusetts:A Study in Tradition and Design,New York:Archon Books,1968,p.80.

[65] Lawrence William Tower,A Good Master Well Served:Masters and Servants in Colonial Massachusetts,1620-1750,New York:Garland Publishing,Inc.,1998,pp.55-56.

[66] George Lee Haskins,Law and Authority in Early Massachusetts,p.82.

[67] Lawrence William Tower,A Good Master Well Served,p.78.

[68] Robert J Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor,p.90.

[69] Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:Act CV,” in William Wallwe Hening,ed.,The Statutes at Large:Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia from the First Session of the Legislature,in the Year 1619,Vol.2.,pp.116,119;Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:An Act Concerning Servants and Slaves,” in William Wallwe Hening,ed.,The Statutes at Large:Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia from the First Session of the Legislature,in the Year 1619,Vol.3.,Richmond,Virginia:Whittet and Shepperson,1809,pp.444,452-453. “An Act Relating to Servants and Slaves,” in John Cushing,ed.,The Laws of the Province of Maryland,p.122;“An Act Concerning those Servants that Have Bastards,” in Bernard Christian Steiner,Archives of Maryland,Vol.38,Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,1694-1729,Baltimore:Maryland Historic Society,1918,pp.20-21.

[70] Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:An Act Concerning Servants and Slaves,” pp.447-448.

[71] Robert J Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor,p.99.

[72] Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:An Act Concerning Servants and Slaves,” p.450.

[73] Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:Act XXII,” in William Wallwe Hening,ed.,The Statutes at Large:Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia from the First Session of the Legislature,in the Year 1619,Vol.1.,Richmond,Virginia:Whittet and Shepperson,1823,pp.254-255.

[74] Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:An Act Concerning Servants and Slaves,” pp.448-451.

[75] John D. Cushing,The Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts,1641-1691:An Facsimile Edition,Containing also Councile Orders and Executive Proclamations,Vol.1,Wilmington,Delaware:Scholarly Resources Inc.,1976,pp.44-45.

[76] James Curtis Ballagh,White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia,pp.44-45.

[77] “An Act of Assembly for Deciding Difference between Masters and Servants,” in Bernard Christian Steiner,Archives of Maryland,Vol.38,Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,1694-1729,Baltimore:Maryland Historic Society,1918,pp.117-118.

[78] George Lee Haskins,Law and Authority in Early Massachusetts,p.157.

[79] Susie,M.Ames,County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton,Virginia,pp.184,453.

[80] Peter Charles Hoffer,Criminal Proceedings in Colonial Virginia:Records of Fines,Examination of Criminals,Trials of Slaves,etc.,from March 1710[1711]to[1754],Athens,Georgia:The University Press of Georgia,1984,pp.165-166,189-190.

[81] Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:Act XXI,” in William Wallwe Hening,ed.,The Statutes at Large:Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia from the First Session of the Legislature,in the Year 1619,Vol.1.,Richmond,Virginia:Whittet and Shepperson,1823,pp.253-254;Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:Act CI,” in William Wallwe Hening,ed.,The Statutes at Large:Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia from the First Session of the Legislature,in the Year 1619,Vol.2.,Richmond,Virginia:Whittet and Shepperson,1823,pp.115-116. Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:An Act Concerning Servants and Slaves,” p.454.

[82] “An Act Relating to Servants and Slaves,” in John Cushing,ed.,The Laws of the Province of Maryland,Wilmington,Delaware:Michael Glazier,Inc.,1981,pp.120-121.

[83] “An Act for Preventing of Men’s Sons,or Servants Absenting themselves from their Parents or Masters Service without Leave,” in John Cushing,ed.,Massachusetts Provincial Laws,1692-1699,Wilmington,Delaware:Michael Glazier,Inc.,1978,p.91.

[84] “Observations on the Slaves and the Indentured Servants,Inlisted in the Army,and in the Navy,” Philadelphia:Printed by Styner and Cist,1777. http://imgcache.newsbank. com/cache/evans/fullsize/pl_ 004272009_2034_ 50471_ 506.pdf(2009年5月29日下载)。

[85] Robert J Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor,pp.130-131.

[86] Robert J Steinfeld,The Invention of Free Labor,p.133.

[87] Edith Abbott,Historical Aspects of the Immigration Problem,pp.213-215.

[88] Kathleen M. Brown,Good Wives,Nasty Wenches and Anxious Patriarchs:Gender,Race,and Power in Colonial Virginia,Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1996,p.152.

[89] James Curtis Ballagh,White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia,pp.44-45.

[90] 李剑鸣:《美国的奠基时代》,第200~202页。

[91] David W. Galenson,White Servitude in Colonial America,p.172.

[92] Edith Abbott,Historical Aspects of the Immigration Problem,pp.213-215.

[93] Sharon V. Salinger,“To Serve Well and Faithfully,” Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania,p.3.

[94] Aaron S. Fogleman,“From Slaves,Convicts and Servants to Free Passengers,” pp.47,52.

[95] 〔美〕本杰明·富兰克林:《富兰克林文集》,张星等译,西南财经大学出版社,1997,第318页。

[96] Eric Williams,Capitalism and Slavery,p.16.

[97] John Van Der Zee,Bound Over:Indentured Servitude and American Conscience,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.84.

[98] Grand Assembly of Virginia,“Laws of Virginia:Act C III,” in William Wallwe Hening,ed.,The Statutes at Large:Being a Collection of all the Laws of Virginia from the First Session of the Legislature,in the Year 1619,Vol.2.,Richmond,Virginia:Whittet and Shepperson,1823,p.118.

[99] Kathleen M. Brown,Good Wives,Nasty Wenches and Anxious Patriarchs,p.152.

[100] Warren M. Billings,The Old Dominion in the Seventeenth Century,pp.130-131,143-144,146-147.

[101] Kathleen M. Brown,Good Wives,Nasty Wenches and Anxious Patriarchs,p.151.

[102] Lawrence William Tower,A Good Master Well Served,p.181.

[103] Peter Charles Hoffer,Criminal Proceedings in Colonial Virginia,pp.63,66-68.

[104] Marion Tinling,The Correspondence of the Three William Byrds of Westover,Virginia,1684-1776,Vol.1,Charlottesville:The University of Virginia,1977,pp.10,277-279.

[105] Peter Charles Hoffer,Criminal Proceedings in Colonial Virginia,p.xxxiv.

[106] Edith Abbott,Historical Aspects of the Immigration Problem,pp.542-545.

[107] Kathleen M. Brown,Good Wives,Nasty Wenches and Anxious Patriarchs,p.153.

[108] Daniel Meaders,Eighteenth-Century White Slaves Fugitive Notices,Vol.1,pp.6,10,88,231-232.