- 常春藤英语 四级·上(常春藤英语系列)
- 聂成军总主编 毛筠主编
- 726字
- 2020-08-30 03:06:15
Lesson 13 The Old Man and His Donkey

1、HERE was an old man who went to market with his son. They drove a donkey before them, to sell at the market.
2、After a time, they met some women.“What foolish fellows,” they cried, “to trudge in the dust, when they might ride their donkey!”
3、The old man heard what they said,and made his son mount the donkey. So they went on toward the market.
4、Soon they came to a group of old men. “For shame!” cried the old men. “See that idle boy riding, while his father walks in the dust. Get down, idle fellow, and let your father ride in your stead!”
5、Upon this the old man helped the boy to the ground, and mounted the donkey himself. So they went on toward the market.
6、Soon they came to a group of women and children. “For shame, old man!” they cried; “how can you ride, while that poor little fellow trudges in the dust?”
7、Then the old man was troubled, and lifted the boy up behind him.
8、So together they rode on toward the market. Soon they saw a man, who called to them, “Oho! do you own that donkey?”
9、“Yes, indeed!” said the old man.
10、“Are you not ashamed to load him so heavily? See how tired he is! You are better able to carry him than he is to carry you.”
11、“Just as you say,” said the old man. So both father and son dismounted, and tying the legs of the donkey together by means of a pole, they carried him toward the town.
12、As they came to a bridge, they met a crowd of people. “Ha! ha!” they laughed.“Here come two fools.” The donkey, hearing the noise, struggled to free himself, and fell into the river.
13、Having lost their donkey, the old man and the boy turned back and started for home. They had tried to please everybody, and had not even pleased themselves.
(336 words)
Ⅰ. How well do you read?
1. [Check the details] Where did the father and son go ?
A. Home. B. To the market. C. To the bridge.
2. [Check the details] What did a person say when the old man lifted the boy up behind him?
A. How can you ride, while that poor little fellow trudges in the dust?
B. Here come two fools.
C. Are you not ashamed to load him so heavily?
3. [Check the details] What happened to the donkey at last?
A. He was happy. B. He was tired. C. He was dead.
4. [Draw a conclusion] From the story we learn _______.
A. it’s difficult to please all B. where there is a will, there is a way C. all roads lead to Rome
Ⅱ. Read for words.
Choose one best Chinese meaning for the underlined words or phrases.
1. “ What foolish fellows,” they cried, “to trudge in the dust, when they might ride their donkey!” (Para. 2, line 3)
A. 吃力地走 B. 跑步 C. 爬行
2. Are you not ashamed to load him so heavily? (Para. 10, line 1)
A. 高兴 B. 愤怒 C. 羞愧
3. So both father and son dismounted, and tying the legs of the donkey together by means of a pole, they carried him toward the town. (Para. 11, line 1)
A. 下马 B. 上马 C. 逃跑
Ⅲ. Writing practice.
1. Where did the father and son go?
2. What were they going to do?
3. What did people say when they walked with the donkey?
4. What did people say when the boy was on the donkey?
5. What did people say when the old man was on the donkey?
6. What did people say when they both were on the donkey?
7. What did people say when they carried the donkey to the town?
8. What happened when they reached the bridge?
9. What do you learn from the story?