
历史成本(historical cost)

重置成本(replacement cost)

可变现净值(net realizable value)

现值(present value)

公允价值(fair value)

资产质量(quality of asset)

流动资产(current assets)

金融资产(financial assets)

交易性金融资产(tradable financial assets)

应收票据(notes receivable)

应收账款(accounts receivable)


预付账款(prepaid accounts)

其他应收款(other receivables)

应收股利(dividends receivable)

应收利息(interests receivable)

其他流动资产(other current assets)

一年内到期的非流动资产(current portion of non-current assets)

非流动资产(non-current assets)

可供出售金融资产(financial assets available for sale)

持有至到期投资(held-to-maturity investment)

长期股权投资(long-term equity investment)

成本法(cost method)

权益法(equity method)

投资性房地产(investment real estate)

固定资产(fixed assets)

在建工程(work in construction)

无形资产(intangible assets)


长期待摊费用(long-term deferred expense)

递延所得税资产(deferred income tax assets)