309 扌+巴【bā】=把【bǎ】【bà】(形声)



①用手握住hold; grasp; hold (a baby while it relieves itself).

把握【bǎwò】<v.><n.>hold; grasp; assurance; certainty


②※把持【bǎchí】<v.>control; monopolize; dominate



※把嘴闭上【bázuǐ bìshanɡ】shut up

※把门关上【bǎmén ɡuānshanɡ】close the door


④※把守【báshǒu】<v.>guard; watch

※把关【bǎɡuān】guard a pass; check on


⑤ ※车把【chēbǎ】<n.> handle bar (of a pushcart, bicycle, motor cycle, etc.);shaft (of a wheelbarrow, etc.)


※把手【báshǒu】<n.> handle; grip; knob


⑥把【bǎ】<mea.>bundle; bunch

※一把菠菜【yī bǎ bōcài】a handful of spinach



①※便于握持的地方grip; handle


※门把【ménbà】<n.>door knob; door handle

※刀把子【dāobàzi】<n.> (sword) hilt; military power; power;sth. that may be used against one; a handle


②※柄【bǐnɡ】stem (of a leaf, flower or fruit)


多音字 一把【bǎ】刀没有刀把【bà】。