2.1 使役形式的定义


使役形式可分为:1)起因突显(salient cause),施事导致受事做某事或处于某一状态;2)影响结果突显(salient effect),受事卷入带来状态变化的事件;3)感知突显(perceptual salient),含情态词的虚拟条件句表达的因果关系,包括真实意志和假设情形。原文为“A causative form(abbreviated CAUS)is, in linguistics, (a)an expression of an agent causing or forcing a patient to perform an action or to be in a certain condition - salient cause, (b)an expression of a patient involved in a non-volitional event that registers the changes of its state - salient effect, (c)an expression of a grammatical modality in perfective (sequential)or subjunctive(hypothetical)or realis(non-hypothetical)state - perceptual salient. ”(Wikipedia)例如:

(1)Were I the president, I would support that policy. 〔subjunctive(hypothetical)主体的虚拟情态〕

(2)I insisted that you be quiet. 〔subjunctive(non-hypothetical)state主体的意向〕

Frawley(1992: 159)认为使役结构含一个导致进入一种状态的事件和一个结果(“a precipitating event”and“a result”), Shibatani(1976:1)认为使役构式(a causative construction)含一个致使事件(a causing event)和一个被使事件(a caused event)(转引自Dixon 2000: 30)。

Dixon(2000: 30)认为,使役构式中将一个具体点明的“使因”(causer)赋予一个基本的子句,“使因”指某人或某事物(该事物可以是事件或状态)发起或控制这项活动,这是“及物动词的主语/作施事的主语”(transitive subject/agent)句法语义功能的界定性特征。此定义的原文“I prefer a quite different characterization - a causative construction involves the specification of an additional argument, a causer, onto a basic clause. A causer refers to someone or something(which can be an event or state)that initiates or controls the activity. This is the defining property of the syntactic-semantic function A(transitive subject)”(Dixon 2000: 30)。
